Monday, November 5, 2012

To All Voters, Great and Small...

All right.  Time to lay it all down.  Here are my various thoughts to various people concerning the impending D-Day of the election:

To Democrats (or those inclined to vote that way):  You already know what you have to do. Your path should be obvious, but don't for one second be complacent.  We already know that there are people out there willing and able to cause dissension in the voting effort.  Sheer force of effort and numbers is the only thing that will offset that.  Stand strong and finish the job you started.

To Republicans (or those inclined to vote that way): I... I understand that you are inclined to vote for the more conservative candidate.  It's an ideological choice moreso than an endorsement of Gov. Romney.  But... really?  That's what you want?  And is this how you want it?  Regardless of how this election pans out, you as a party need to take a serious look at how you allow things to be run.  Your platform is hardline and uncompromising, which effectively alienates any of the groups that you might eventually woo.

And your presidential campaign advisers have played every dirty card in the deck, and even bought a new deck.  Four years ago, I made the observation that I could not abide by people willing to make use of these tactics.  I still stand by that.  The future survival of your party lies not in doubling down on the crap that's sort of worked in the past but in finding new ways to rebuild the many bridges you have burned the ground.  Sadly, that's all that I can offer you.

To Third Party Candidates (and those inclined to vote for them): I get where you're coming from.  I really do.  And I feel like you have a real chance at building strength and becoming full on threats to occupy all offices  and positions.  But this isn't your time.  Not for me.  Maybe after the continuing implosion of the Republican Party, there will be more space for you to make a foothold.  But for now, I feel my time and effort is better served supporting a candidate that deserves a chance to continue.  Four years from now, though... who knows?  Keep fighting for it.

To Everyone (voting or not, regardless of who you support): we need to grow up.  I say we because this affects every single person in this country.  Much like four years ago, we have faced some of the most divisive, underhanded, and downright deplorable tactics during this presidential election cycle.  And while neither side is completely innocent, one side is more blatantly guilty than the other.

If you think there's a personal bias there, you're right.  I am completely biased towards the truth, towards reason, and against playing towards people's base fears.  That anyone in any party would try to do such a thing is disgusting, but there's a clear, simple reason why they continue to do it: on some level, it works.

Which brings us back to us.  We, as a nation, as individuals and collectively as a people, have got to step up our diligence.

We have to stop hearing only the things that we want to hear; the things that make us feel better about ourselves.  We have to stop acting like there are easy answers.  Like there is someone out there that has some mysterious plan that is destined to work perfectly, and accept that there may be stumbles along the way.

We have to stop holding one person accountable for our status in life and look towards larger, fuller pictures.  A president can help affect change, but he/she needs support.  Not through some super majority that was an illusion to begin with, but through true, bipartisan efforts.

No one that has any vein of sense can say that the Republican party has done anything other than attempt to undermine the efforts of the President or Democrats these past four years.  They said as much, in public and out loud, and a large group of people would celebrate the blind ignorance that sent the GOP against the public interest and against policies that they themselves endorsed before they opposed them.  No one wins when we become so focused on winning that we're willing to destroy what we're intent on getting in order to do it.

But I'm not going to get into the heavy again.  Again.  No, I'm going to dial it back and say what I said four years ago.  We are all people of fair reason and moderate conscience.  Search your heart, focus your mind, and look through the lies to see the truth.  Then vote with all of that in mind.

I can't tell you which way you should choose, but I can say that when it's all said and done, I believe that our President has done enough to warrant another four years in office.  I also believe that his opponent has promised little aside from being "the other choice" and even then, the ideas that he does endorse are counter-productive to what would make this country thrive.

And like four years ago, I believe that Mr. Romney has had the worst possible supporting system and advisers during his campaign.  I refuse to support anyone that uses them and their tactics, especially if might allow any of them access to some sort of office or Cabinet position.

So there it is.  Way too rambley and probably ignored. But I felt like I needed to get it all off of my chest.  Good luck, godspeed, and happy voting.