Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Grow Up.

Seriously.  Grow up.

I said it a few days ago, and I stand by it.  It's the only way that we will ever get anywhere as a country.  Assuming, of course, that people actually want to go forward as a country.

We have all sat through the most derisive, divisive, and outright sickening campaign of modern history.  Or maybe it was just the most transparent one.  Who can really say?

But the reality is that no matter what party or ideal you support, as an American a person who opposes your ideals has been in office almost half of the time the country has been in existence, if not more.  And you know what?  The country didn't die.

Despite treating minorities and women as second class citizens for years, we're still here.

Despite dipping as close to financial ruin as perhaps is possible without actually breaking in half, we're still here.

Through all of the adversity and terror that would seek to tear us apart, we are still here.

And we will be here tomorrow.  And the day after that.  And the next day.  And a year from now.  And so on.

So no, the election... the re-election of one man for a four year period does not spell the end of modern civilization.  God has not abandoned you, or at least not for that specific reason.  The sun will continue to rise in the east and set in the west.

Now is not the time for the garbage that got us into this horrible place.  Now, more than ever, we need to look at how to play nice and work together.  Neither side overpowering the other is going to get us where we really need to be, and that was never what the Founding Fathers intended.

Despite signs that things will return to status quo, I still hold onto the fragment of a belief that we can find a way to make this thing work.  The first step is to stop acting like immature children who didn't (or did) get the toy they wanted and to look ahead to how to make the country the best it can be. 

Regardless of party or affiliation, we are all Americans. And it's time we sucked it up, took some responsibility, and made a hard choice or two.  And if you're too busy feeling like the country is completely mismanaged to do it, then seriously... grow up.